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Moim ulubionym miastem jest Los Angeles. Znajduje sie w poludniowo-zachodniej czesci Ameryki Polnocnej, w USA, w stanie Kalifornia. Popularnie  jest nazywane MIASTEM ANIOLOW. Lezy w strefie klimatu srodziemnomorskiego. Los Angeles jest interesujacym miastem, ktore berdzo chcialabym zwiedzic. Po sprawozdaniu ciociu ktora wrocila niedawno z tego miasta mozna tam tego samego dnia zjezdzac na nartach jak i serfowac. Poza dobrymi stronami
tego miasta dostrzegam tez i te zle np. zanieczyszczenia. Wystepujace tam bardzo rzadko opady i duzo spalin wynikajacych z duzej ilosci pojazdow samochodowych i motorowych zanieczyszczaja powietrze. Los Angeles jest rowniez swiatowym centrum
rozrywki. W tym miescie znajduja sie ogromne siedziby firm i instytucji nie tylko narodowych ale i swiatowych. Wysoka przestepczosc jest jedna z gorszych stron tego miast. Znajduja sie tam gangi m. in. The Crips, założony przez Stanleya "Tookie" Williamsa, oraz The Bloods. Miasto jednak jest bardzo piekne i zadbane.




My favorite city is Los Angeles. It is located in south-western part of North America, in the U.S. state of California. Popularly known as the City of Angels. Lies in the Mediterranean climate zone. Los Angeles is an interesting town, which I would like to visit. After the report aunt who recently came back from that city can be there the same day, downhill skiing and surf. In addition to good parties
also see the city and the bad example of contamination. Appearing therein very rare rainfall and a lot of exhaust gases resulting from large numbers of vehicles
and pollute the air motor. Los Angeles is also a global center
entertainment. In this city there are large established companies and institutions, not only national but of world. A high crime is one of the worst sides of the city. There are gangs, among others. The Crips, founded by Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and The Bloods. The city, however, is very beautiful and well maintained.
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My favorite city is Los Angeles. It's located in the south-western part of North America, in California. It's also known as City of Angels, because of the translation from Spanish. It lies in the Mediterranean climate.
Los Angeles is a city I'd like to visit because of my aunt who recently went these. She said that on the same day you can ski as well as surf.
Besides the good things about this city I must also mention the bad, such as pollution from cars, very little rainfall, etc. (i tak dalej)
Los Angeles is also a global center of the entertainment.
High crime seems to be one of worse examples in the country. Gang violence contributes to this.
Overall this is a very beautiful and very well maintained city.

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Witamy na! Znajdziesz tu darmowe rozwiązanie każdej pracy domowej, skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki, jeśli nie znajdziesz interesującej Cię pracy zadaj szybko pytanie, nasi moderatorzy postarają się jeszcze tego samego dnia, odpowiedzieć na Twoje zadanie. Pamiętaj - nie ma głupich pytań są tylko głupie odpowiedzi!.

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