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Hi Tom,
My name is Jolka. I come from Poland I live in Leżajsk   I am twenty-four years old,
and I am a student. I work at post Office. I speak Russian and little English. I want learn English because after completing my studies planning to go abroad and work there

My family is composed of six  people mum  dad, two brother and sister. My mother name’s Maria  is a house wife, because is  it currently on a pension. My dad name’s Jan  is  bus driver I've got two brothers Grzesiek and Adrian. Grzesiek is 24 years old and Adrian is 18. Grzesiek is a tall brunette. He works as a computer scientist. Adrian studies in the same profession as the oldest brother. My sister is 29 years old
My favorite activity in my free time is cooking. I cook for my friends, family and people with whom I love to hang out ,also my hobby is music, after that, I like to watch TV
See you
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