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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Fiona said I could borrow her car.
(permission) Fiona.... borrow her car.

2. Peter doesn't often cancel plans.
(unusual) It is... plans.

3. Everyone left except for Mike.
(exception) With.... left.
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi

1 odpowiedź

1. Fiona said I could borrow her car.
(permission) Fiona HAS GIVEN ME PERMISSION TO borrow her car.

2. Peter doesn't often cancel plans.
(unusual) It is UNUSUAL FOR PETER TO CANCEL plans.

3. Everyone left except for Mike.
(exception) With THE EXCEPTION OF MIKE EVERYONE left.   

4. It's Bob's responsibility to deliver the cakes on time.
(responsible) Bob IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING the cakes on time.   

5. He wrote down the address in his notebook.
(note) He MADE A NOTE OF the address in his notebook.
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi

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thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
1 odpowiedź
thumb_up_off_alt 1 lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
1 odpowiedź
thumb_up_off_alt 1 lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
1 odpowiedź
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