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Potrzebuję napisać po angielsku zadanie domowe: Temat: Napisz o swoim codziennym życiu. pomocy zupełnie nie wiem co napisać...
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Tom wakes up at 7 o'clock everyday. He takes a shower and brushes teeth. Then he dresses up and naxt he eats a breakfast. At 7.30 he goes to school by bus or sometimes (when the wheater is good) by bike. His school isn't very big. It's small and very friendly. There's very colourful.
In Tom's family is 4 another members of family. He lives with parents - Antonia and Bruno- and with a younger sister - Emily. He lives also with his grandmother - Cecylia. Tom has home duties. He has to tidy his room and he has to wash car. He does it every Saturday.
He get about 50 zlotych packet money every month. He also works to earn money. He work in a restaurant like a waiter. He doesn't earn very much but he receives good tips. He works to 8 p.m. then he comes back to home. He does his homework. Sometimes he watches tv
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Witamy na! Znajdziesz tu darmowe rozwiązanie każdej pracy domowej, skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki, jeśli nie znajdziesz interesującej Cię pracy zadaj szybko pytanie, nasi moderatorzy postarają się jeszcze tego samego dnia, odpowiedzieć na Twoje zadanie. Pamiętaj - nie ma głupich pytań są tylko głupie odpowiedzi!.

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