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How people live
As part of our weekly series, we asked Jane Hancock and Tim Greenwood to tell us about their lives.
Jane Hancock is a hardworking teacher in Sheffield. She gets up at half past six every morning and has breakfast. Then she makes her sandwiches and gets ready for work. Jane usually walks to work because she thinks it’s important to take exercise every day. She sometimes walks home again in the evening, but more often gets the bus. Jane has dinner at seven o’clock and goes to bed early. She doesn’t go out during the week, but she often goes out with friends at the weekend. Jane makes sure that she eats five portions of fruit and vegetables every day and fish twice a week. She hardly ever eats meat and she doesn’t smoke. For more exercise, Jane goes to the gym three times a week. She’s very healthy and is hardly ever ill.

Tim lives by the sea in Cardiff. He’s a journalist for a local newspaper. He usually gets up at eight o’clock, has a quick shower and then drives to work. Tim doesn’t have time for breakfast, but sometimes has a sandwich in the middle of the morning. At lunchtime, he usually has a burger. He buys it from the fast food restaurant across the road and then eats at his desk. Tim works long hours and often stays late in the evening. On those days, he goes to a restaurant with people from work. They usually have quite a lot of wine with their meal and they all smoke. Tim doesn’t eat fruit and he doesn’t like many vegetables. He plays football once a month, but he isn’t very healthy.

1 Jane has breakfast _____.
A at home ■ B at school ■ C on the bus ■
2 She _____ to work.
A cycles ■ B runs ■ C walks ■
3 She usually comes home by _____.
A bus ■ B bike ■ C car ■
4 She never _____.
A does exercise ■ B eats meat ■ C smokes ■
5 Tim _____ has breakfast.
A sometimes ■ B never ■ C hardly ever ■
6 Tim often has lunch _____.
A in a fast food restaurant ■
B at home ■ C at work ■
7 Tim often drinks _____ with his food.
A coffee ■ B beer ■ C wine ■
8 He _____ does exercise.
A often ■ B sometimes ■ C never ■
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1 A - at home
2 C - walks
3 A - bus
4 C - smokes
5 B - never   lub C - hardly ever jeśli kanapkę uznamy za śniadanie
6 C - at work, mimo że kupuje w fastfoodzie to zjada w pracy
7 C - wine
8 C - never , B - raczej nie bo chyba nie powiemy, że czasem ćwiczy jeśli raz na miesiąc zagra w nogę.
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