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1.Which country would you like to visit and why?
2.Do you like taking pictures?Why?Why not?
3.Is it possible for parents and children to be friensd?Why?Why not?
4.Is graffiti a form of art?Why do you think so?
5.Would you like to live in the USA?Why?
6.Why is it important to go to the doctor regularly?
7.What are the sources of children's problems nowadays?
8.What other ways of protecting the environment can you think of?
9.Would you like to travel by hitchhiking?Why?Why not?
10.Are women obessed with their figures?Why?Why not?
11.Is it time that older people don't understand the younger generation?Why?
12.Do you think young people want to listen to adults?Why?Why not?
13.How could you help people who are victims of disasters?
14.Is it important that parents and children spend a lot of time together?Why?
15.What cultural activies do you usually take part in?Why?
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1.Which country would you like to visit and why?
I would like to visit Japan. This country is very fascinating.
Chciałabym odwiedzić Japonię. Ten kraj jest bardzo fascynujący.

2.Do you like taking pictures?Why?Why not?
I like taking pictures, because I love nature.
Lubię robić zdjęcia, ponieważ kocham naturę.

3.Is it possible for parents and children to be friends?Why?Why not?
It is possible for parents and children to be friends, because they are family and they should talk about everything.
Jest możliwym żeby rodzice i dzieci zostali przyjaciółmi, ponieważ są rodziną i powinni rozmawiać ze sobą nawzajem.

4.Is graffiti a form of art?Why do you think so?
I think that graffiti is a form of art, because graffiti have something in it.
Myślę, że grafiti jest formą sztuki, ponieważ ma coś w sobie.

5.Would you like to live in the USA?Why?
I wouldn't like to live in the USA, I prefer my country- Poland.
Nie chciałabym mieszkać w USA, wolę mój kraj- Polskę.

6.Why is it important to go to the doctor regularly?
It is important to go to the doctor regularly- you can be more healthy.
Jest ważne, by odwiedzać lekarza regularnie- możesz być zdrowszy.

7.What are the sources of children's problems nowadays?
The sources of children's problems nowadays are drugs, alcoholism and poverty.
Przyczyną problemów dzisiejszych dzieci są narkotyki, alkoholizm i bieda.

8.What other ways of protecting the environment can you think of?
I think that we can protect the environment by campaigns and organisations.
Myślę, że możemy chronić środowisko przez kampanie i organizacje.

9.Would you like to travel by hitch-hiking?Why?Why not?
No, I don't like to travel by hitch-hiking, because I'm little scared.
Nie, nie lubię podróżować austostopem, bo jestem trochę przestraszona.

10.Are women obsessed with their figures?Why?Why not?
Women are obsessed with their figures, because they want to be beautiful.
Kobiety są przejęte swoją figurą, ponieważ chcą być piękne.

11.Is it time that older people don't understand the younger generation?Why?
Yes, this is time when older people don't understand the younger generation, they don't understand their needs.
Tak, to jest czas kiedy starsze pokolenie nie rozumie młodszego, nie mogą zrozumieć ich potrzeb

12.Do you think young people want to listen to adults?Why?Why not?
Young people don't want to listen to adults, because want to live life their way.
Młodz ludzie nie chcą słuchać starszych, ponieważ chcą przeżyć życie po swojemu.

13.How could you help people who are victims of disasters?
I could help them by foundations.
Mogłabym im pomóc przez fundacje.

14.Is it important that parents and children spend a lot of time together?Why?
Parents and children should spend a lot of time together to strengthen their relations.
Rodzice i dzieci powinni spędzać dużo czasu razem żeby wzmocnić ich relacje.

15.What cultural actives do you usually take part in?Why?
I usually take part in concerts, because I love music.
Zazwyczaj uczestniczę w koncertach, ponieważ kocham muzykę.
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