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1___ what to wear to the office. For male managers it was always a dark suit and a white shirt with a tie. With the arrival of Dress-Down Friday, all the old rules went out of the window. Some companies introduced the system in which once a week (on Friday) the employees were allowed to wear casual clothes of their choice. 2___ casual dress days at the office have become widespread in the USA, and employees are starting to push the policy to extreme limits. Casual Fridays have become so casual that some people are coming to work in outfits that resemble pyjamas. 3___, 82% of Americans thought that it was ok for businesses to have a dress-down day, while 12% thought it was not. Those who opposed the dressdown policy pointed out that casual dress code might encourage casual or sloppy work. 4___ the relaxed atmosphere and comfort of casual clothes leads to better productivity. So what is appropriate for the office? 5___, but there are a few points they agree on. Ripped or worn looking jeans, shorts and Hawaiian print shirts are all unacceptable. Faded denim is also associated with sloppiness. Always try to look smart. For example, pair up dark jeans with a button-down blazer. There are two important factors when deciding a dress code for the workplace. 6___, it must be clear. Employees need to know what is expected of them; otherwise a dress code that is meant to create a relaxed atmosphere might actually increase stress. Second, employees must always consider their clients. We spoke with a lawyer in a firm with a casual dress policy who keeps a jacket and tie in the office, and puts it on when expecting a client who might be offended by a more casual approach. And the final thing − no matter what clothes people wear, they must always be neat and clean. Coffee stains on the front of a shirt are unacceptable whether it be casual or forma
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Witamy na! Znajdziesz tu darmowe rozwiązanie każdej pracy domowej, skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki, jeśli nie znajdziesz interesującej Cię pracy zadaj szybko pytanie, nasi moderatorzy postarają się jeszcze tego samego dnia, odpowiedzieć na Twoje zadanie. Pamiętaj - nie ma głupich pytań są tylko głupie odpowiedzi!.

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