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  • Rejestracja
1. analyse the structure of the follwing sentences: include labes for phrase structure and clause elemtns; underline the heads of the phrases; name the

relevant patterns.

a). My German shepherd is very anxious
b). The committee members appointed Jim secretary of the group
c). She carried a huge yellow umbrella

2. in the following sentence indefity the direct object; explain your method; name the relevant pattern

    Fred Unsworth gave her a huge vote of confidence
thumb_up_off_alt 1 lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi

1 odpowiedź

1. b)

2. element klauzuli
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi

Podobne pytania

thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
thumb_up_off_alt 3 lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
2 odpowiedzi
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
thumb_up_off_alt 1 lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
thumb_up_off_alt lubi thumb_down_off_alt nie lubi
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