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Dear Mom
I' sorry that I didn't wrote to you a long time, but I work very hard every day. In my free time I sleep on the beach or in my bed. But I thing you forgave me because I call you almost every day. I have wonderful time here! We (me and Karol) stay in nice small house near sea side. We pay
very small for a two-storey house with every modern conviences, and we
have a unpollunted view from balcony. In the night we can see stony
beach, sea and beautiful sunset, and after sunset we can see charming moon...Sometimes i'm very jealous about Karol, when he looking on it with
such pasionate. In some nights...something like this one it is as pretty as picture. Me and Karol get engaged. I thing You are very happy because
I told him "yes" and I know he is everything for me. When we come back
we want get merried. Oh well, that's all for now, Karol is calling me to help him cooking a dinner.
Pass my kisses for all family.
Lots of love.
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Witamy na! Znajdziesz tu darmowe rozwiązanie każdej pracy domowej, skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki, jeśli nie znajdziesz interesującej Cię pracy zadaj szybko pytanie, nasi moderatorzy postarają się jeszcze tego samego dnia, odpowiedzieć na Twoje zadanie. Pamiętaj - nie ma głupich pytań są tylko głupie odpowiedzi!.

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